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Example of minimal rubber waste in wasteless molding process - Click to Enlarge

Example of minimal rubber waste in wasteless molding process- Click to Enlarge

Fabric sheets: examples of the minimal
rubber waste in wasteless molding

Wasteless Molding Processes

Our Wasteless Molding Technology can save you rubber compound and provide faster mold cycle times saving you $$$. "Wasteless" molding is probably the greatest improvement in rubber molding in the 20th century. The 21st century has brought new techniques that have made the wasteless process even more efficient.

Typical wasteless mold - Click to Enlarge While the initial reason for "Wasteless" molding was obviously to save compound, it has also been shown to cut cycle times due to heating less rubber compound in each heat due to the absence of a "rubber pad".

To the right shows a typical "Wasteless" mold, which will be, ran under a cold pot system. The "Wasteless" molding process can be used in transfer or injection molding. It can also be used in conjunction with the "flashless" or "flashfree" process.

The fabric sheets shown to the left are examples of the minimal rubber waste pad, which is discarded when using the Wasteless process. As you can see, only the sprues and, in some cases, a small runner is wasted.

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