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Needle sleeves molded with and without flashless molding process - Click to Enlarge

The "Needle Sleeves" (shown above) for
years have been molded in a sheet which
requires die trimming. With our latest
flashless mold designs, the parts are
molded individually and removed from a
center plate using a vacuum fixture.
Flashless molds by Desenco Inc. Akron, Ohio

Flashless Molding Processes

Our Flashless Molding Technology can help you ship rubber parts straight from the press, eliminating many trimming operations and saving you $$$.

Example of rubber mold plate with flashless rubber parts - Click to Enlarge While there is really no such thing as "flashless" or "flashfree" molding, flash can be controlled to be within part specification through quality precision rubber molds and molding processes.

Desenco can help you decide which parts are good candidates for "flashless" or "flashfree" molding and we can provide precision rubber molds and expert processing assistance to insure your parts are within design specification tolerances.

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